Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside

...and we've been holed up inside ever since the snow and ice came to Dallas Monday night! (With the exception of making a trip to the grocery store together that had me super nervous on the icy patches where you can feel the tires making absolutely no traction. You may think Texans overreact to bad weather, but it really can be like a skating rink, and I was hoping not to go out at all and risk repeating this near miss, which happened coming from the same grocery store under the same weather conditions. But when your husband is out of essentials like Ben & Jerry's, you go with him and get the essentials. If that's not love, I don't know what is.)

My office has been closed and J was luckily off yesterday and today until he goes into the ED this afternoon...which means he'll be coming home in the middle of the night. Which of course means I'll be a worrywart until he's home! 

Hope you're staying nice and warm if it's cold where you are. It's hard to believe temps were in the 70s this past weekend and that we had a windchill of around 0 this morning! Now off to find some more hot cider...

Image from here via

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