Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sucker for all things Italian

I saw this Prosciutto tee in an Outblush email and thought it was so cute I had to email it to the hubs. I mean, we totally fell in love with Prosciutto e Melone when we went to Italy 3 years ago. (Picture us, sitting all romantic at an Italian restautant and feeding it to each other. Okay, just kidding, don't picture it. We didn't actually do that.)

But is it too Jessica Simpson?

A shirt I do regret not buying when we were there was the ubiquitous "Ciao Bella" tee. I bought one for my sister from a vendor on the Rialto in Venice for around 5 euro. (I still remember the vendor making some comment in Italian about getting a smaller size so it would fit tight...oh, Italian men.) I did not buy one for myself, probably because I had already gotten something for me, and I didn't think I *needed* it. Of course, as soon as I was home I really wanted one. And 3 years later, I've got one! My friend Jacque brought me back one from her recent trip to Italy, and I can't wait to see it!

I also just started reading Eat, Pray, Love. She's currently on the Italy leg of her year's journey, and I'm loving the book so far.

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