Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Conscious Consumption

Did you know these kate spade goods were hand-knit by women in Bosnia and Herzegovina? I just finished reading this article in Elle about how kate spade new york, through a partnership with Women for Women International, employs about 300 women in this region to make these pieces.

Woman for Women International aims to help women was sruvivors rebuild their lives. While the women earn only $7-$15 per piece, the article states that this double the wages of comparable work. Participant Rabija Mujalo says "I earned nearly as much money knitting at home in my spare time as my son who works full time in a factory."

I definitely applaud companies that make an effort to be socially conscious. The author writes about how she's often felt conflicted working in fashion, "celebrating an industry of frivolity and creating enthusiasm for things that women don’t absolutely need." This is true; the best thing would be directly making a donation to a cause you're passionate about. However, when we do choose to indulge our desires - and we are lucky to be able to - consciously choosing products that help others is the next best thing.

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